quick-edit | "Quick Edit" |
redirect-from | "Redirect from" |
redirect-to | "Redirect to" |
quick-delete | "Quick Delete" |
quick-rename | "Quick Rename" |
quick-diff | "Quick Diff" |
ipe-preference | "Preferences" |
confirm | "confirm" |
cancel | "cancel" |
done | "Done" |
ok | "OK" |
notify-success | "Success" |
notify-info | "Info" |
notify-error | "Error" |
notify-editing-history | "You are editing old version of this page" |
editor-title-editRevision | "Reversion" |
editor-summary-rivision | "Edit from" |
editor-title-editSection | "Part $1" |
editor-title-editing | "Editing" |
editSummary | "Summary" |
markAsMinor | "This is a minor edit" |
editor-button-save | "Save changes" |
editor-confirm-save | "Are you sure you want to save the changes?" |
editor-button-preview | "Show preview" |
editor-button-diff | "Show changes" |
editor-button-findAndReplace | "Find&Replace" |
fAndR-title | "Find & Replace" |
fAndR-find-text | "Find text:" |
fAndR-replace-text | "Replace text" |
fAndR-globl | "Find global" |
fAndR-case-sen | "Case sensitive" |
fAndR-enable-regex | "Enable regex" |
fAndR-button-undo | "UNDO" |
fAndR-button-replace | "REPLACE" |
notify-fAndR-undo | "Content has been restored to the text before F&R window was opened" |
notify-fAndR-done | "$1 text replaced" |
window-leave-confirm | "Are you sure you want to leave this tab? Your text will NOT be saved." |
notify-no-right | "No permission" |
editor-no-right | "You do NOT have permission to edit this page. You can leave comments on this page's talk page." |
editor-title-editNotice | "Editnotice" |
editor-has-editNotice | "This page has editnotice, click here." |
editor-leave-confirm | "Are you sure you want to leave the editor? Your text will NOT be saved." |
notify-no-change | "Nothing changed." |
editor-title-saving | "Publishing..." |
notify-save-success | "Save successful, refreshing page..." |
editor-save-error | "Some error(s) occurred while saving" |
redirect-summary | "Quick redirect" |
redirect-question-to | "Which page do you want to redirect $1 to?" |
redirect-question-from | "Which page do you want to redirect to $1?" |
redirect-title | "Quick Redirect" |
notify-redirect-success | "Redirect successful." |
notify-redirect-error | "Some error(s) occurred while creating redirect" |
delete-reason-default | "No longer used" |
delete-title | "Quick Delete" |
delete-no-right | "You do NOT have permission to delete the page." |
delete-confirm-title | "Delete confirm" |
delete-confirm-content | "Are you sure you want to delete this page? You can restore it later in Special:DeletedPages" |
notify-delete-success | "Deleted successful" |
notify-delete-error | "Some error(s) occurred while deleting the page" |
rename-title | "Quick Rename Page" |
rename-moveTo | "Choose a new name for $1" |
rename-movetalk | "Move talk page" |
rename-movesubpages | "Move subpage(s) (up to 100)" |
rename-noredirect | "Don't leave a redirect behind" |
rename-summary | "Quick rename" |
notify-rename-success | "Rename successful" |
notify-rename-error | "Some error(s) occurred while moving the page" |
rename-articleexists-title | "Target page exist" |
rename-articleexists | "Page with new page name already exists. The force move function is under development, stay tuned." |
rename-no-right | "You do NOT have permission to delete the page." |
preference-title | "InPageEdit preferences" |
preference-editor-label | "Editor settings" |
preference-outSideClose | "Click out side to close editor" |
preference-setMinor | "Minor edit as default" |
preference-summary-label | "Edit summary" |
preference-editSummary | "$1 - will be replaced by $2%br%$3 - will be replaced by $4" |
preference-analysis-label | "Analysis" |
preference-analysis-view | "We will collect some of your non-sensitive information to record the usage of the plugin. Information will be used to improve the experience. You can find the information we collected at $1." |
preference-about-label | "About InPageEdit" |
preference-aboutAndHelp | "About&Help" |
preference-updatelog | "Update Log" |
preference-savelocal-label | "You can save your InPageEdit-v2 preferences here." |
preference-savelocal | "Attention: Your preferences will save in your browser. That means you must save again when you change your device." |
preference-savelocal-btn | "Force save (Not recommended)" |
preference-reset | "reset" |
preference-save | "save" |
preference-summary-default | "[InPageEdit] No summary given $section$oldid" |
preference-savelocal-popup-title | "Force save preferences" |
preference-savelocal-popup-notrecommended | "NOT RECOMMENDED" |
preference-savelocal-popup | "Add the following code above the code that calls this plugin on your personal JS page:" |
preference-savelocal-popup-notice | "Attention: Although this allows you to keep the settings when changing devices. But the plug-in has no parameter error correction function. You must confirm whether the json setting is correct" |
preference-savelocal-popup-haslocal | "You are forced saving your preferences. You should modify your preferences at $1 or global.js." |
preference-savelocal-popup-yourjspage | "your personal JS page" |
diff-loading | "Loading difference" |
diff-button-todiffpage | "Jump to diff page" |
diff-usertalk | "talk" |
diff-usercontrib | "contribs" |
diff-userblock | "block" |
diff-title | "Difference" |
diff-edit | "edit" |
diff-version | "Revision" |
diff-prev | "Older edit" |
diff-nextv | "Newer edit" |
diff-bytes | "bytes" |
diff-title-original-content | "Original text" |
diff-title-your-content | "Your text" |
diff-error | "Failed to load difference." |
preview-placeholder | "Loading preview..." |
preview-title | "Preview" |
preview-error | "Failed to load preview." |