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Difference between revisions of "User:机智的小鱼君/common.js"

From Project-EPB Commons
([InPageEdit] 没有编辑摘要)
Line 67: Line 67:
$('#firstHeading').append('<span style="font-size:12px;float:right">wgRevisionId: ' + mw.config.get('wgRevisionId') + ' | wgArticleId: ' + wgArticleId + '</span>');
$('#firstHeading').append('<span style="font-size:12px;float:right">wgRevisionId: ' + mw.config.get('wgRevisionId') + ' | wgArticleId: ' + wgArticleId + '</span>');
/** 自动推送IPE **/
if (mw.config.get('wgPageName') === 'MediaWiki:Js-InPageEdit-canary.js') {
    $('<button>', { id: 'mergeCanary' })
      .click(function () {
        var versionNum = prompt('版本号?', '2.xx.x(build_' + wgRevisionId + ')');
        if (versionNum !== null) {
          var summary = prompt('摘要?', '[Automatic] Merged canary [[Special:Diff/' + wgRevisionId + ']]');
          if (summary !== null) {
            new mw.Api().post({
              action: 'parse',
              page: 'MediaWiki:Js-InPageEdit-canary.js',
              prop: 'wikitext',
              format: 'json'
            }).then(function (data1) {
              var canarytext = data1.parse.wikitext['*'],
                canarynew = canarytext.split('/*** BOT FLAG ***/')[1];
              new mw.Api().post({
                action: 'parse',
                page: 'MediaWiki:Js-InPageEdit-v2.js',
                prop: 'wikitext',
                format: 'json'
              }).then(function (data2) {
                var v2text = data2.parse.wikitext['*'],
                  v2new = v2text.split('/*** BOT FLAG ***/')[0] + '/*** BOT FLAG ***/' + canarynew;
                if (versionNum !== '' && versionNum !== '2.xx.x(build_' + wgRevisionId + ')') v2new = v2new.replace(/\/\*\=version\*\/(.*)\/\*version\=\*\//ig, "/*=version*/InPageEdit.version = '" + versionNum + "';/*version=*/");
                new mw.Api().postWithToken('csrf', {
                  action: 'edit',
                  title: 'MediaWiki:Js-InPageEdit-v2.js',
                  text: v2new,
                  summary: summary
                }).then(function () {
   // $.getScript('[email protected]/dist/vconsole.min.js',function(){new VConsole();});
   // $.getScript('[email protected]/dist/vconsole.min.js',function(){new VConsole();});

Revision as of 14:22, 14 September 2020


/** InPageEdit Preferences **/
window.InPageEdit = window.InPageEdit || {}; // Keep this line
InPageEdit.myPreference = {
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  "editSummary": "[InPageEdit] $section 没有编辑摘要 $oldid",
  "redLinkQuickEdit": true,
  "watchList": true,
  "plugins": [
InPageEdit.buttons =[{
  open: '<-- ', // 添加到光标前的内容
  middle: '注释文字', // 选区内容占位符,选填
  close: ' -->', // 添加到光标后的内容
  text: '<span class="material-icons">description</span>' // 按钮文字,被解析为html
}, { // 再举个栗子
  open: '<s>',
  middle: '删除线',
  close: '</s>',
  text: '<span class="material-icons">strikethrough_s</span>'

  if (mw.config.get('wgIsArticle')) {
    mw.hook('dfgh.i18n').add(function (i18no) {
        $('#ca-edit, #ca-viewsource').after(
          $('<li>', {
            id: 'ca-quick-edit',
            class: 'collapsible'
              $('<a>', {
                href: 'javascript:void(0)',
                text: '快速编辑'
              }).click(function () {
                  page: mw.config.get('wgPageName'),
                  revision: mw.config.get('wgRevisionId')

if (mw.config.get('wgIsArticle')) {
    $('<a>', {
      href: 'javascript:void(0);',
      style: 'margin-left:2px;top: -1.2em;position: relative;font-size: 8px;'
    ).click(function () {
      InPageEdit.quickDiff({ fromtitle: mw.config.get('wgPageName'), torelative: 'prev' });

$('#firstHeading').append('<span style="font-size:12px;float:right">wgRevisionId: ' + mw.config.get('wgRevisionId') + ' | wgArticleId: ' + wgArticleId + '</span>');

  // $.getScript('[email protected]/dist/vconsole.min.js',function(){new VConsole();});